Wingwalking, skydiving, beach =)

I can hardly remeber everything Ive done lately! Its so much fun!

Last saturday me and Fred went to Riverside Airshow! It was a great ride there in his cab.
Unfortunatly we got lost and went to wrong airport (there is many around here!) so we missed Margis wingwalking show, that was really sad =(
But the rest of the day was really nice, she invided us for the VIP dinner after the show, called "the survivor party" haha!
That was nice, ate some fruit, drank some rosé and chatted with fun people.

Sunday, all camppeolpe went for the windtunnel in Perris!
I joined to watch them, and did one jump at their dropzone! A fun one, Fred videotaped me. Thanks!

On monday I was invided to come and try wingwalking on Silverwings stearman! AWESOME!
We practised the some routines on ground, then we went for a over Chino hills. Beautiful!
I first climed up on the topwing, did some fun there. Then back behind the wings, best was a leaning backwards position with the feet on the top wing! cooool =)
We went to see some cool airplane at the hangars around, the museum and lunch at a small nice place.

Yeasterday we drove over the mountainas to se the sunset at the beach. We bought rosé, fresh fruits, bread and crackers, philadelphia, avocado..... and more yummi stuff.
Watching the sunset, lissen to the waves and ocean, then rest under a clear night sky with stars and a strong shining moon. THATS relaxing. We stayed quite long, until we got back home. Join all others by the fire with a beer.

And today Im gonna do packjobs to earn some money for jumping, then we will g to the dropzone in San Diego for a jump! The sunset load! Supposed to be a beatutiful dropzone, near the sea.

Ive uploaded photos in facbook, check them out:

Sunset at Manhattan Beach

Yeasterday I drove my friend Niklas to LAX (LA Airport) and we left earlier to have some time in LA.
We took the highway straight in to LA, turn in to Hollywood Blvd, but got lost! haha!
We saw no fancy houses and drove around for a while before and realized we where lost. So we decided to skip that and make sure we found our the way to LAX and the beaches nearby.

After a stop at a gasstation and new directions and a map we found the right highway!
We bought  big sandwiches for dinner and drove to Manhattan Beach to eat our dinner and watch the sunset.
It was a very windy day, a bit cold, but really nice to walk along the beach and also see all expensive houses along the beach....

Today. Work.


A Day With Wingwalker Margi!

Friday was a memorable day i my life!
I went to Chino, its about 40 minuits from the dropzone Im staying at, to meet up with Margaret Stivers, Margi called.
She and her husband is running Silverwings Wingwalking.And she do the most amazing and beutiful stunts on vings!
Margi is really a wonderful person, so sparkling of energy and so enthusiastic about wingwalking.
I was showed a lot, about her safetythinking, about ww history, about tips and trix.... We also climbed around on the airplane, great fun to see and try new stuff.

See more:

She will perfom att Rierside Airshow next weekend, so I go there and see the show! So looking forward to!
Actually, now we are 4 people going! " of them are pilots so we will fly into the arena before show start. Its free pancake breakfast! NICE! And we will bring my new found friend Hermine to celebrate her birthday!

Yesterday there was nightjumping here. Coolt to see them land. Cars with headlights on where placed on the landing area. Then there was a spontanious party! haha! We were a few sitting in a trailer, listening to music until 5am...

Now its lunch time here. Sweet Lucas gave breakfast at bed to me! I guess I was sleeping a little bit to late ;)
Soon Im of to Los Angeles and Mission Beach, then drop of coach Lellky at the Airport.

Over n out! :*

Hi again!

I hope you all doing good!

Lately I mostly been hanging around the dropzone. Life is nice and relaxed.
Been tanning and shopping =)
More dresses and more starbucks, haha ;)

Also found a training friend, one of the new coaches for next camp is training a lot, so we've been running 2 mornings in a row, very nice with company. She's gonna learn me som yoga, looking forward to =)

Did a great buy yesterday! A videocamera! Its so tiny! Fits in one hand. So now Im takin video of everything!
Gonna use it at home, for horses. So I can videotape them and upload on om website.

Gotta do some work, I'll probably try to upload some photos later....

b back!

Limo in Las Vegas, sunrise in Grand Canyon....

Hey all!

Thnx for patience for following my slow writing ;)

Im back at the dropzone in Lake Elsinore again after many hours on the road and a great time!

Las Vegas was an incredible place... In the middle of the desert this town just torns up like un expolsion of enourmous hotels and casinos. I spent the day looking for highheels and a dress... but nothing worthy found (Im really holding on o my money!) so I just bought some simple shoes and wore quite boring clothes... well, well next time when me and Maggie will go there, I'll be more fancy, haha! ;)
We took a limo to Hooters to celebrate Anettes birthday, then limo to a club, then limo back to the hotel. One limo bigger than the other, I just love that! I think that was the best of Vegas ;)

Next day we headed towards Grand Canyon. We arrived to the hotel at midnight, got up really early to see the sun rise over the mighty canyon. It was amazing, so beautiful. The hights are really breathtaking...
When sun was set we went back to our hotel for breakfast and sleep for a couple of hours.
Then back to the impressive cliffs. We walked along the south edge, following tracks. Took the car to see more spots. The best one was where there's no rack, and you can get really close to the edge of the cliff. I could have sit there for ages.... its so unbelevieble deep, this enourmous crack in the earth.

Back from all this, it feels like beeing back home. Relaxed and back to a kind of regular life.
A little bit dirty room, uncomfortable bed exept when your tired, and messy kitchen.... haha. A typical bunkhouse at a dropzone. Like often when travelling, living in a suitcase. I like it.

Yeasterday I when with my friend who recently became a pilot to fly from San Diego!
What a nice day!  Me and Andreas, the pilot, stared our day quite early. Drove to San Diego for breakfast at the local famous café.
Then we flew over the town and along the beach, looking for dolphins, but they werent there that day. I saw the bridge, sea world, hangars, Del Mar Racetrack and more, all from above.
It was a little bit cloudy over land so we flew towards Elsinore underneith the clouds, then we got up a few hundred feet higher, above the clouds. Beautiful! I also got to fly some, I just LOVE IT!!  When there was a hole in the clouds Andreas flew a spiral down so we where back underneith the clouds. Cool... Then we landed at the dropzone, said Hi, and then flew to Riverside for lunch. Luxuary feeling! To fly for lunch, awsome!

Today I just been chilling.
Tanning in the sun, watching parachutes in the sky.... Then some shopping at the outlet. I found the sweetest Element jumper ever seen. And shorts, strawhat, bag, belt and a couple coffee at Starbucks.
I was just supposed to buy shorts... oouups!

I actually been doin some good also, I did 2 illustrations for Ridsport Special.
And some running. This unhealthy american food and everyboides crazieness for Ben&Jerrys.... no good.

Tomorrow Im gonna skydive again! And buy one coachjump. Finally!
Im gonna buy a new one!! Yay! A little bit smaller and a little bit faster and a lot funnier! Just need to sell my old one emidiatly. Getting a Sabre2,150 sqft =) White!

Good night everybody!
Or good morning for you in sweden..... ;)

Im in heaven!

sorry all!

Im a bad blogger ;)

But life here is full of joy all days and internet sucks...
Ive been skydiving a lot this two weeks, and I just love it so, Ive learnd so much from all fantastic coaches!!
And there is so much nice peolpe here. A few alreday left since the new 'flaj flaj' camp is starting, sad they are leaving!
Tomorrow, Im following a bunch of friends to Las Vegas! =D
I know Maggan, Im not gonna do evertything before you are here! ;)

I miss you everybody at home! And Im so thankful for Marie caring for my loved and missed Robbie!
Right now Im thinking very muchof a friend that passed away way to early..... I still cant beleive it. It was her own chose.
Rest in piece my friend, you are leaving happy memories to all of us who known you.
Life can change so fast. Enjoy it when its good....

Time is late and we are getting up quite early tomorrow morning so I write shortly...

And happy news!
Im going to China for wingwalking sow in may! HURRAY!! =)

I'll try to write soon again! :*

Arrived in CA

After many hours on airplanes, then some waiting at the airport, then a couple of hours by car to Skydive Elsinore...
I mostly slept the hole flight, in the car as well.
Been sleeping so much, needed I guess.

Today I went with 3 nice swedish guys to MUSINK, a Music and tatoo convention, great fun!
Then we had some dinner at a riverside town, hudsonsomething i think.... ;)
Tomorrow -skydiving!! :D

I think of u all, hope evrything goes well!
And I got a US cellphone now, but its not really working yet, I'll give u the number later on....


(and Maggan, its Starbucs EVERYWHERE)

Leaving in 3 hours

.... and Im fightig with photoshop! Stupid stupid computor stuff....!!
We are not friends now, and just wanna be done with it. NOW!

Packing is almost done, but still some papers to organize, wich I had some time to clean up more but no.
It will be a mess to come back to :/

I just wanna say a big THANK YOU to Maggan & Maroulla helping me out so much with everything!!
What would I do without you?? :*
And Erik, sooo sweeet. He will take his truck and move my other car (very broken) from there to here (home).

Many people I will miss. Family and doggie....
A special thought for David... looking forward to come back and do more sweetliving stuff! Skydiving and climing summer!
Hope everything goes well with this and that =)

Soon I'll be on my flight to CA, I'll write as soon as I can!


2 more days in sweden!

Right now I just finnished one order of illustration an exercise,
nearly done with all verifications for my business firm,
done with shopping for dogfood for 2 months...
done with contract re horsie,
done with taxes re company for 2 months...

Whats left....
* clean the messy house
* move my other car
* pack... lists are ok I hope... just how to fit it into bags... :/
* go visit my acountant
* many coffee times, both lunches and nights, niiiice! But about this healthy diet??? Craaaaap.
(okay, I eat sallad only.... not). (But I try!).
* calculate how much I need to pay for straw, hay, feed....

Probably forgot some...
But things always solves in some way.  Good or bad! Haha...  I really dont like it when it goes bad, but its impossible to go around and be afraid of bad, wrong, and all this negative things or words.
That wont make anyone happy... Life isnt so easy anyhow, so lets make the best out of it! I mean when problems comes.

Thats how I try to live at least.... Risk or chance, take it, it might be your best decision ever, or you might loose and learn. Or just loose, thats how it feels sometimes ;)
How did I end up talking about this??
Ehm.... Anyhow. Today I was thinking of one of my favorite moments in life.
Normal for me is to work day and night all days in week almost, I always say to myself, I have to sleep more, work less.
Cause when my brain feels blury (more than normal), eyes prefer to be closed even when your walking, it cant be so good. But when Im off work Im off! I really enjoy my time training or hanging around with friends (I wish I did both much more...).
So to the moment! When I travell, I love this feeling, when your bag is checked in, you got your seat in the airplane (hopefully window), you have to relax, nothing else to do!
The exitement of going somewhere, what will happen, what will it look like, who will you meet? All daily and regularly things are literally left behind, miles miles away.
And how bad the weather is when you are taking off, its always sunshine above the clouds......

Elise!  A Hurray for you writing so often! :*


Getting my own horse!

Finally Im getting a horse on my own!
Nearly thinking of ending this horsielife... Cause its such a 24/7 work, and if it dosnt give you challanges and improvement it takes more energy than it gives you....
And giving more space to other sports in my life, I started to think of what to give time and energy to....
Since daily work been painindaasssss lately, or more like latest year, I wonder what to do with life!
I like to work, but not waste my time on fighting for developement in work.
Thats why Im taking this breake and go abroad now, and suddenly this great offer for a horse I think is a good one, stepped in. So Im taking this chance or risk now.... and it feels much better!
Im really looking forward to come home again!
Will even come back a bit earlier than planned, strange how suddenly things can change.
Now new plans for life, I was nearly ready to pack a backpack and go where ever and leave everything thats safe...
Small things can make big changes.

I do love most of my life here, but Im so restless... its hopeless! Ants in my pants you know, hahah!

This weekend was nice, I let go of some work and enjoyed time with training & friends. There was a  Ving Tchun semiarium saturday and sunday with Sifu Patrik, great fun! And great practise, I got a second level that wasnt expected. I didnt planned fo it cause its been so spontanious training lately. I will miss training when Im abroad... Ill try to prctise some on my own, or if I find a place there maybe.....
Me, Maggan and cousin Sara was at cinema saturday and hd a beer after, nice!
Today I rode Maggans gery mare, and Maroullas (Maries), fun! Suddenly its more funto ride again!
And not to forget! Maggan and I went for a great hack saturday morning! Sparkling snow, sunshine and fresch horses!
Kakao cantered for first time with someone on her back (me), a little bucking the first time ;)
Now she is back home until Im back in sweden again...

Here is some pictures of my becoming star:
Kakao, 3yrs, Figaro R -Gaugain de Lully


Tickets booked to California

Now Ive finally got tickets.... Decided to only book CA, then see what happens.
Maggan is hopefully coming but when?? Mess to find good tickets!! Also we are planning a trip to New York so I hope everything will be solved. Then we will go and see everything in CA, like GRAND CANYON (cant wait!!), San Diego, LA, San Fransico, Las Vegas, Hollywood....
Also goin to Riverside Airshow =) Im invided to visit a wingwalker who is sooo experienced! Looking forward too!! She is really cool ;) Hopefully Im also seeing a lady who is working as a stuntcoordinator, plz plz plz ;)

Work is the same, overslept 2 days in a row, embarrassing....

I rode the mare outside today, thought she was gonna be a bit more forwardthinking, but not really.... At least she didnt trew me off her first time for a hack ;)

Tomorrow I gonna see one of my best friends I havent seen for to long time! =D
And lunch with Maroulla, niiice! C ya tomorrow hun!

Off to work! =)

Slightly hangover but very happy

Yesterdays Stuntparty was great!

Saturday started early as always to get stables ready and longreining Kakao.
(Who is now ridden in walk and trott, good girl!)
Then me and Camilla met up at Fyrishov o quickly see the new stuntcourse people.
Then shopping for food for 40 people! Thats how many who came for dinner, and a few more dropped in!
So much food! Crazy! People at the supermarket laught at our overfull trolley!

Thanks to everybody helping us prepare the dinner and the cleaning after the party....

After dinner we saw 1 hour 20 minutes of 'Sektor 236' -cool! Well done everybody, looking forward to see the final edition and o see the end..... ;)

The party went on well, with some live music and entertaning, I think I like John imitating 'Gollum' best, hihi ;)
About 4 am the last of us went home to bed....
Thanks or a great night all! And you crazy guys doing all this acrobatics... Im bloody impressed but you make me a bit nervous also ;P 

I woke up 9.30... but stayed in bed until 12 nearly, cause everybody was sleeping.
We cleaned up at the house we had the party and then me, Camilla and Moa went for food, sushi -mmmmm!
As we just finnished the cleaning John got the idea to open a roof hatch, an loads of isolate material fall out over him and the floor, I laughed so much... hahaha! Wish I had photos of that!

13 days until I go to california......

stress stress stress

Sorry I haven been writing...
Well, Its a lot to organize before Im leaving to US.

Got 1 horse to ride, and about 10 illustrations to be done before tuesday, on top of my ordinary job.
Then all this economics that has to be okay before. Both private att for the company.

And make sure my dear doggie got all sorted out. And the stables to be running.
Now my superMaroulla will hire a stable, great fun!

Tonight there wil be a stunning stuntparty! hihi. So tonight I'll forget all problems to solve, Im just gonna have a great time and make sure I get som sleep! Then I'll be ready for hectic work again.
Gonna go in an hour to meetup with Camilla, its me and her organizing it all. So shopping and prepare the dinner. Then there will be a half movie shown tonight, whats finnished of the movie some of them articipated in, looking forward to see!

Then some changing re my trip, I will stay another 2 weeks at elsinore skydive, 4 in total, nice. Then.... well, I'l be back.

Enjoy your weekend everybody!
And I hope my family on the eastcoast will have a very great  time, with mum visiting!
Miss u all!


about the stuntdrive!

I forgot to tell you that I also had a ride in a car with he stuntteam!
Last of their display I went with Charlie (driver), "finishing the wheels"! haha! It was so FUN!
We where more sliding to the side or backwards than straight ahead, chasing another car!


Some photos from the ride with YakItalia:
Isnt it just great?!?


Today I was back at work, it took 2 hours then I started counting minuites to go home. Well 2 more weeks then Im leaving... I hopfully survive, I really need to get outta there. So if anyone knows a good job, tell me ;) Doesnt matter where in the world! Might go back to cyprus, maayyybeeee. Confusing.

Aaaaaw! Im in a lifecrise or something?? haha. Actually, Ive probably then had my lifecrise since I was 15... never satisfied! ;) Give me challanges!! (including action!)

Longing to the stuntpartey this weekend!! =D

Now, worktime, more illustrations again...


Desert & camels!

A quick report!

Yesterday was great! Everybody performed well and we had a great day!
I had to pose on so many pictures and even wrote autografs... weird!!

This morning we was flying out in the desert with the Catwalk for photoshooting and filming! Wonderful!
We where flying really close to the sanddunes ans so many camels! Cant get enough of it, so fashinating....!

Me & Cerina is flying again a bit later! Looking forward too!
We girls are really popular here, haha! Cause we are nearlt the only girls! ;)

C ya!!

First days of show!

Yeasterday was great!
We started the day with a lovely breakfast buffe as always. Then of to the hangar and prepare airplanes.
Well the guys did, we where resting mostly on the wings of our 'catwalk' ;)

During the day we had some time to spend at the show arena, looking at the other teams.
Jacob did skywriting as his first display, flying pyhton in the middle, and wingwalking as last final display!
Me and Cerina where on the wings. It was an awesome flight!
Day before when we practised by lunchtime, it was so bouncy cause of the heated ground (thermals?), and I had a pretty hard time to stay good in 'lazy cat' and 'supercat', even sitting, but now at sunset it was perfect!!
Steady flying, wonderful view of the desert, loops and barrel rolls where amazing as usual!

Our driver Achmed Schumacher drove us back to the hotel as always, Henrik gave him his new last name, haha, cause his is driving quite fast sometimes! That was so funny ;)

Today Jenny is flying and I'm not. I'll be at the show arena most of the day.
Brought my camera so Im busy taking loads of photos! We are in so many magasines, Im taking photos of that also ;)

And Elise! I hope that sushi dinner could be soon again! Would be great fun to see you before Im off again!

Im gonna go and grab a Starbucks Frappuchino and keep watching the airshow!

Over and out! =D

Day 3! Like a moviestar...

Today was a big pressconferens where the show will be.
We 3 Skycats where dressed up in suits and cat makeup!

I never been posing this much in my life ever!
Everybody was like crazy about us and we had to pose next to airplanes and next to people, some famous who we had no idea who they where. Rich at least, like everybody seems to be here!

Crazy.... Im really not used to this kind of attention!

Now, me and Jenny will go and have a beer with Team Yak Italia!
They might be able to take us with them while training with there 4 airplanes formation ;)
That would be cooool.

I also talked some to the stuntpeople here, driving car and motorcykles in a crazy way...
Might see them when I go to Florida!

Tomorrow is last day before show starts =)

Take care!!

First day in Al Ain

We arrived last night in Dubai and it was heavy raining!
Surprised! Wasnt we supposed to leave bad weather in sweden?? ;)
It slowed down when we got of the plain luckily.

The flight was about 6 hours I think, and I was asleep before the airplane was taxing to start in sweden....
Woke up, ate a sandwich, fell a slepp again.Yeah... I was quite tired!

A driver for the airshow picked us up and drove us 1½ hour to our hotel. Starving, we ordered roomservice as soon as possible! Niiiice. Its a 5 star hotel, and quite nice. Not suuuuper fancy, but amazing food!!

We (The Team of Scandinavian Airshow) spent the day at Al Ain military base where the show will be. Unfortunatly its not allowed to take photos there =(
Jacob did 2 flights with Python. There is 16 teams I think here. We had a nice chat with the italian team, Yak Italia.
Got a cool little pin to put on my cap! Thanks!

Food is delicious! Big breakfast buffé at hotel, lunch buffé at the military base, and enormous dinnerbuffé at the hotel.
I'll must take photos tomorrow so you can see that! Dangerous with all that cakes and sweets....
I tried to loose a kilo or two for this show, the catsuit is tight! But back from here, I sure gain some kilos instead...
Its been to relaxed days, so I decided to visit the gym after dinner.
But I wasnt aloud cause I didnt wear shoes, haha! My trainingshoes didnt fit in the suitcase... Thought socks would be ok?? So I finally got to spent some time in their aerobic room! Yay!
I practised some ving tchun mostly and some playing around. My gymnastic talent isnt very strong! LOL!

4 of us went quickly to Al Ain Mall. At floorground between all shops there was a indoor iceskating arena!
I shopped to dresses! One just very pretty (black&white flower pattern) and a more fancy short black dress.
Cerina bought a nice orange shirt. Awww, need to go there again! Without hurry.
And you know what? They had starbucks........ =)

Now I'll try to uploads some photos!
Hang on!

Sorry... it doesnt seem to work. Or its extremely slowly.
I really need to go to bed, its past bedtime over here!
Tomorrow we do some wingwalking practising!! =D

Nighty! xxx
(Going to my big cosy bed, with 4 big fluffy pillows, mmmm)

Im off to Airporto! Have a great day all!

This night was no sleep at all... Feeling good!

Keep in touch....... =)

Packing for Al Ain...!

Now I nearly solved the stable/horsie when Im away... nearly.
Camera is empty. Ready for work!

Gotta start packing!
So what to bring.....

* sunglasses, 2 at least! My supersized Versace & some regular ones
* Bikini, ok, skin isnt what to show there but some tanning hopefully ;)
Okay... more serious...
* passport, money, camera
* some relaxed comfy clothes
* a dress, in case we're of for big dinner.
(and is gotta be long, not showing to much skin... I dont got that!!)  :O
* shoes, comfy + goodlooking ones
* S Airshow team jacket, overall, cap, tshirt....
* Calender, Im always planning... Thats my brain.
* makeup 
* nice handbag

Think I solved the dress problem. My golden dress with black tights.

          Packing planning                                     floorpacking tecnique

Me & my help: Red Bull, Coffee, Spotify, Msn, Calendar, Candy, Checkinglist.
Add mobile....

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