I rode the new horse today, her very first time!

You should have seen the brave little 'Kakao' today!
Ok, she not little, bout 168cm high. Mare by Figaro - Gaugain de Lully. A beauty (with long fur...). 3yrs and came last saturday. First I longreined her, to get a good contact with her and also make her waste that extra energy. She is fresh!
And then I just did some practise with her standing still, beeing relaxed what ever I did , like going up and down on a stool, leaning to her, put some weight in the stirrup... Her eyes where getting more and more relaxed, putting her head low...
And then I slowly got up. Patting, keeping her calm, talking to her. Then we slowly walked around the arena.... She was looking back at me, tensed a few times, looking very sceptical... but she really trusted me to be on her back.
Quite a cool feeling! See how it works out tomorrow.

Its been a good day. I was at work today to see the clinic (showjumping, horses) by Jens Fredricsson. He's great as always. Tried my camera in the indoor arena. I might upload a few photos. The feeling to be back at work after Ive been away  ('cause of my sickness) wasnt the very best... Im really done with that place I think, cant try anything else now. See how next week will be, back to my regulary work. Only 4 days, niiice!

Gonna make another chai latte now... I bought it at expresso house today, so I can do it at home.
Kind of forgot how good it is, since I deeply fell in love with it during my australia trip!


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