Leaving tomorrow!

Ive been so busy I´ve hardly realize Im leaving tomorrow!
Still things to fix, and start packing... well Ive started to put importent stuff in a big in a corner of my room...

I cant resist go training today... After that I'll go and visit mum, my sister with her family is arriving tonight and wanna see them! Its not very often cause they live on the west coast of sweden, Im on the east and further north....

then packing at night I guess.
Maybe no idea to go to bed even??

Im back later! C ya =)

3am... Finally done!

And finally I can go to bed =)

After a very nice time in town with VT people I went home to finnish my works. Time was past 00.00 something when I left... A short stop at the gasstation for fuel and a supersized Red Bull, then photoshoptime....

I had a very unexpected phonecall tonight.
We had a nice and fun chat, quite long... But Im not really sure why he called. Eh, not at all actually.



Back home from a slow day at work... tired today... coffee didnt help, just made my stomack angry.... :/
Thanks to Martin who called me this morning to make sure I got up from bed! =)
I can easily sleep trough my 5 alarm clocks.

Gonna do the stables quickly now, then a powernap before I start work horses!
If there is time later I'll try to upload some photos, got a memorycard thing today from daddy (THANKS!)
so I wont need software for any camera or computer, sounds great...

Later Im off for a beer with Ving Tchun people = nice people!! ;)

Bye for now!


nearly 2 am again...
Just finnished as much as I can do tonight, a little bit more colorizing tomorrow and Im done with this load of drawings.
Then I wont do anything until Im back from Dubai, nice to get away and rest from work....

I tried to say to my self when I got sick to not work like this again, haha! Ive been tryin to tell my self for many years.
By some reason it doesnt work.... Workaholic -then, now and forever I guess...
Mostly I do enjoy it, but I really wish more hour every day!

Msn is just a great thing, keeps me some company during nights ;)
Mattias mostly, I must say we often discuss very interesting subjects! Check him out: mattiaskarlberg.se!
Antoher always awake is Mr Aerial Arts! But he got the most crappy modem ever made! ;P
You guys often delays my bedtime also..... hih!

My wonderful bed is screaming at me to come, I better go and sleep now.
Alarm will start 5.30.... 3 hours sleep, yay!


Driving cab wintertime....

....... isnt what I planned.
I must be the only one driving car this time of the year, It sucks!
My cute little car was supposed to have a nice winter rest, clean and covered up.
But noooo, its taking me everywhere, any weather, anytime. Bless him!

Its for sale, but noone wanna buy a cab now.... Maybe try again when Im back in june.... Anyone interested?
Its really really nice, I probably not wanna sell him when Im back, summer  and the sun is shining again...! haha!
I sold the jeep, luckily, so I can afford my usa trip, but if I sell this one... I could afford even more skydiving! :D

And if anyone fancy a Ford Escort to renovate, I got that also.
Did I tell you Im good collecting?

Today wasnt really as planned. I couldnt go to the meeting I was supposed to.
Too much to do... Now Im gonna finnish photoshop work with the illustrations I did yesterday, or last night....

Tomorrow Im looking forward to go and see Maroulla (psycosia.blogg.se) at her new work at Hööks (horse&riding equipment store). And enjoy a sub lunch!

  My sweetest car. For Sale......

Finally bedtime...

Now Ive done as much as I can,
better go to sleep, so I hopefully manage to get up 5.45.....

Sweet dreams everybody....

Tired and working...

I so much wanna go to bed right now, but no, Ive got like 6-8 illustrations to do tonight....
Cause tomorrow I going to a meeting i STHLM....I'll miss my VT training! =( , wedn horses need all spare time, thursday the pony is leaving then Ving Tchun and packing... Friday I fly to Dubai.

Aaaaw.... well I better work than sit here being lazy.

Hella Fashion! ;)

Hey all!

As respond to all this hot  and popular fashion bloggs, I'll tell what I like about style & shopping!
And I can tell you Im not in to pink expensive glowing outfits :P

As a former shoppaholic Im more in to waste my money on adveturesand and travels now.
(And bloody expensive equipment, like a parachute isnt very cheap...)
And got an economy thereafter.... wich means not so good! haha!

So Im a truly great shopper in secondhand and sale!
Specially if I shop in sweden, going abroad I buy much more expensive, its so much more fun not shop what everyone else got! Putting these clothes, acceoaries together it creats my own comfy and rocky style *smile*
Travelling inspires me a lot, a bit bohemian chick is really soft!
Dressing up, a bit 1950 style is awesome!

Let me tell you what lovely stuff I bought at second hand today!

  • Black & white striped thigt shirt, (10 sek!!) Perfect for black jeans, highheels and my super red shiny bag!
  • A black triangled shaped knitted scarf, BIG! Perfekt to top above (40 sek)
  • A black & white knitted loooong soft cousy scarf (30 sek, god, Ive got so much black&white.....)
  • A big beige (also) knitted hoodie, for a perfect travelling comfy style! (30 sek!) Will look very cool and relaxed to tiny shorts and flip flops.
  • Another knitted jumper for riding, black with traditional folklore pattern at front in yellow & red (30 sek). Will look proper when clients visits ;)
  • An awesome bohemic chick thin shirt. White with black embroidery. I'll just cut the sleeves a bit so it wont look to sweet, haha! (30sek!)
  • A black bag! (ok, I knooooow I already got like 100 black bags....) But this one had great details, and quite big, good for daytravel or shopping day! (60 sek!)
  • A smaller bag, white with blue & green big flowers. 2 big rings as handles. Nice for beach or just to lighten up a black outfit. (5 sek!!!)
  • A tiny rocky bag for parties! Cool pattern, like holes in the leather! (5 sek also! Its like free!)
  • 2 leather belts, 1 black with silver studs, 1 brown wide, very vintage. (20 sek each)
  • and finally a RED pair of braces! (5 sek) Wich was very funny 'cause just a day before I was wondering where to find that!

Now, where to put all that???
Closets are allready more that full, more clothes in bags and boxes...

Im really need to clean up, what to save and not.. dont like that!
I buy clothes often cause I kind of fall in love with them, haha! ;)

If I could I should upload photos, bu my camera and computer wont cooperate...
Not the big one, not my mobile, not the webcam. And the so called waterproof one wont even start!

Well, clothes IS fun! So is shopping!  =D

Calorie Day.......

Me and Maggan ate lunch together today....
We where dying for 'semlor'!!
(*semla *swedish bun with almondgoo and whipped cream, traditionally eaten at fatty tuesday, like last day in feb I think).

So I went shopping for those delicious 'semlor' and couldnt resist buying us a large Chai Latte....
Starting with this lovely latte, we made our lunch, homemade pizza! Actually very healthy ;)
It was really good! And for desert....  THE semla! Yummie!

Nice day! haha! ;)

Still horses to work.
Im of and out! brrrr (cold outside!)

 ----Eat me! Eat me!

Ving Tchun training today!

Feeling better than ever today I decided to go training today.
My plan was to just hang around and do some easy practising on my own. But... I couldnt resist to try a little bit more... and a little more again.... It ended up beeing the hardest trainging Ive ever done there!
We where fighting, kicking, hitting, grabling around on the floor like nuts! So great to finally get really tired and use those muscles again! They where like.... getting flobby by all this forced resting! ;) hahaha!
Hope Ill feel good tomorrow also.... Maybe was stupid of me. But damn it was fun!!

And Ive been playing with my new camera of course! Just love it!
I spent some nice time with mummy today, she showed me her new summertime cabin. It was so sweet! Then we enjoyed a luxuary lunch at a small restaurant/bakery.

Now Im gonna colourize an illustration I did today, and actually Im satisfied whit it!
Never are normaly.... And really good paid! Thats nice! =D


Cant wait to go to Florida in february! Skydiving only for 2 weeks! =D

Late to bed again...

I havent been feeling this good for month! =D
And so me to be more awake than ever when night comes....
This afternoon, I got no drawings done at all. Tried to get this blogg look a little bit better, but know nothing about html stuff...
Might need some help, it cant look like this??

Time fly as always, lunged the big horsie with saddle, did very well!
Then fast shower, in to Katalin, a nice pub in Uppsala to meet a friend for a "safety chat", haha, bad translation! But to get my skydiving license for 2009 its needed to have a chat with un instructor to talk about safety and so on.

Then went to daddy to get my new camera! He´s a photografer and getting a new supercam so I bye the old one! Yeah!
Wanted a real camera for so long!! Im gonna take pictures of everything now!

Then to brother! He recent became a father of a so cute Joel! Just hang around there for a couple of hours, nice!
Tomorrow lll go to see mummy, better see my family as much as possible before Im off ;)

Now some the, more msn, more pondering over html....
time is nearly 01.00 am...
*eyes getting a bit tired*

Lovely weather! And feeling so good today!

Wakin up this morning wasnt to nice, I had a baaad stomach ache.... Everybody, take care of your stomach. Stress stomach is isnt fun. Well, 2 tablets, forcing my self to eat some porridge and 2 hour later I was fit for fight again!

Went out to the stables where Maggie just finished her muck out and so on. We went for a really nice ride in great weather! Shining sun and fresh horses =)
I rode the pony, named Suncatcher by the way, (brittish riding pony, good breed!) Fourth time riding him, and first time we went out! He was doing very well, a bit tensed in the beggining. Passing by the other stable at the next farm, he got so scared of the pretty fallabellas, he ran of out on a field! Haha!

Now Im of to do some drawings.
Tonight Im getting my new camera, that proffessional kind of camera!! wooohooo!

bye for now!

Airplane before shipping

Catwalk before it was put in container and sent over seas to UAE

Not so sick anymore....

Well, as start of this blogging... Im so tired! ;)

Time just passed midnight, ok thats not very late. Especially for me who got up like 8, let horses and doggy out. Did stables and then went back to bed.... slept for another 1 or 2 hour!
Its crazy how much u can sleep when u re sick... 3 month now.
Finally I got strong medecin and ordered to rest and its slowly getting better.
To add, Im very not a resting person.

Today I rode the pony I got for breaking in, we did canter today with just some bucking!
The bigger one just got saddle on, seems ok so far!

Then its been drawing hole day! And Im finally done with a load of them, releasing... So just next load to start with.
 Crazy, I got like a new email everyday last week about new jobs! Magasins are also waking up from xmas holiday?

Oh, and my friend Maggan stopped for a while, nice. We ate some candy... not allowed! :(
Its very lonely to home alone so much!
I dont really like that. Probably why I get stuck on msn at night ;)

Half of the Airshow Team arrived at Dubai today! They will start to put the airplanes together.... hope they do it well, haha!
Its so close now, next friday 13.35, me and the other 2 wingwalking girls will leave from Arlanda to Dubai!


Bedtime.... Im just gonna finnish some chatting! ;)

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