First days of show!

Yeasterday was great!
We started the day with a lovely breakfast buffe as always. Then of to the hangar and prepare airplanes.
Well the guys did, we where resting mostly on the wings of our 'catwalk' ;)

During the day we had some time to spend at the show arena, looking at the other teams.
Jacob did skywriting as his first display, flying pyhton in the middle, and wingwalking as last final display!
Me and Cerina where on the wings. It was an awesome flight!
Day before when we practised by lunchtime, it was so bouncy cause of the heated ground (thermals?), and I had a pretty hard time to stay good in 'lazy cat' and 'supercat', even sitting, but now at sunset it was perfect!!
Steady flying, wonderful view of the desert, loops and barrel rolls where amazing as usual!

Our driver Achmed Schumacher drove us back to the hotel as always, Henrik gave him his new last name, haha, cause his is driving quite fast sometimes! That was so funny ;)

Today Jenny is flying and I'm not. I'll be at the show arena most of the day.
Brought my camera so Im busy taking loads of photos! We are in so many magasines, Im taking photos of that also ;)

And Elise! I hope that sushi dinner could be soon again! Would be great fun to see you before Im off again!

Im gonna go and grab a Starbucks Frappuchino and keep watching the airshow!

Over and out! =D

Postat av: Elise

Jag såg bilderna på dig, fasen vad läckra ni var/är! :D Och det ser ju helt fantastiskt ut, ni måste ha det hur kul som helst! :D

Hur länge är du hemma nu? Du var ledig helgen den 14:e va? Tror det kan bli svårt att komma loss då tyvärr... :( Men man kan alltid försöka. :)

2009-01-31 @ 22:46:28

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