stress stress stress

Sorry I haven been writing...
Well, Its a lot to organize before Im leaving to US.

Got 1 horse to ride, and about 10 illustrations to be done before tuesday, on top of my ordinary job.
Then all this economics that has to be okay before. Both private att for the company.

And make sure my dear doggie got all sorted out. And the stables to be running.
Now my superMaroulla will hire a stable, great fun!

Tonight there wil be a stunning stuntparty! hihi. So tonight I'll forget all problems to solve, Im just gonna have a great time and make sure I get som sleep! Then I'll be ready for hectic work again.
Gonna go in an hour to meetup with Camilla, its me and her organizing it all. So shopping and prepare the dinner. Then there will be a half movie shown tonight, whats finnished of the movie some of them articipated in, looking forward to see!

Then some changing re my trip, I will stay another 2 weeks at elsinore skydive, 4 in total, nice. Then.... well, I'l be back.

Enjoy your weekend everybody!
And I hope my family on the eastcoast will have a very great  time, with mum visiting!
Miss u all!


Postat av: Anonym

ja vi har det så bra så. vi åt färska havskräftor i går . SÅ GOTT!!!!fresh fish from the west coast...

i morgom barn kalas för Elias. <<birthday party fo Elias 3 years.

harsett tigern de fick i julklapp, den var inte liten..

2009-02-07 @ 14:50:33

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