Slightly hangover but very happy

Yesterdays Stuntparty was great!

Saturday started early as always to get stables ready and longreining Kakao.
(Who is now ridden in walk and trott, good girl!)
Then me and Camilla met up at Fyrishov o quickly see the new stuntcourse people.
Then shopping for food for 40 people! Thats how many who came for dinner, and a few more dropped in!
So much food! Crazy! People at the supermarket laught at our overfull trolley!

Thanks to everybody helping us prepare the dinner and the cleaning after the party....

After dinner we saw 1 hour 20 minutes of 'Sektor 236' -cool! Well done everybody, looking forward to see the final edition and o see the end..... ;)

The party went on well, with some live music and entertaning, I think I like John imitating 'Gollum' best, hihi ;)
About 4 am the last of us went home to bed....
Thanks or a great night all! And you crazy guys doing all this acrobatics... Im bloody impressed but you make me a bit nervous also ;P 

I woke up 9.30... but stayed in bed until 12 nearly, cause everybody was sleeping.
We cleaned up at the house we had the party and then me, Camilla and Moa went for food, sushi -mmmmm!
As we just finnished the cleaning John got the idea to open a roof hatch, an loads of isolate material fall out over him and the floor, I laughed so much... hahaha! Wish I had photos of that!

13 days until I go to california......


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