Sunset at Manhattan Beach

Yeasterday I drove my friend Niklas to LAX (LA Airport) and we left earlier to have some time in LA.
We took the highway straight in to LA, turn in to Hollywood Blvd, but got lost! haha!
We saw no fancy houses and drove around for a while before and realized we where lost. So we decided to skip that and make sure we found our the way to LAX and the beaches nearby.

After a stop at a gasstation and new directions and a map we found the right highway!
We bought  big sandwiches for dinner and drove to Manhattan Beach to eat our dinner and watch the sunset.
It was a very windy day, a bit cold, but really nice to walk along the beach and also see all expensive houses along the beach....

Today. Work.


Postat av: eva

hej jag hoppas du fotar o filmar mycket .jag vill också se!!!!

kram kram

2009-03-24 @ 16:47:30
Postat av: Marie & Robbie

jasså stumpan, ska du jobba idag? lr är de med "ritblocket" du jobber med hihi... allt bra här hemma. kallt som bara den . minus 11 igår morse när ja red. huva! miss ya! pussssssss

2009-03-26 @ 09:48:32

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