Skåne, Falsterbo, Castle living

2009-07-20 | 00:17:08

I guess Im back ;)

I think I need to open my heart. Write, get it out. But I cant.
Keeping closed and quiet for now.

But whatta awesome days I just had. 2 days of Falsterbo Horse Show with my friend Sussi.
Then to beautiful Marsvinsholm for the Theater Party, goood party! Loads of great peolpe.
Been living like a princess here at the castle. Now´s my last night, going up in the morning to go back towards Uppsala and Gryttjom. My sister here (my extra sis) is leaving in a week to go back to California for new adventures in life. Good Luck Sis! Ill come visit ya...

Now Im gonna read my book, to get lost in another world. Forget thoughts about life for a while.
Why isnt it easier to understand peolpe sometimes...? And why do I care so much?

Look whatta paradise:

day before... something good or bad?

2009-05-23 | 23:05:30

Tomorrow is time... judgement time!
Gaaaah! Im nerveous!
Plz at least go well, plz horsie behave! ;) Hella behave!

Go Elise!

2009-05-22 | 23:32:21

Elise your the leader in comments! hihi!
Mattias, second, happy for that guys ;) So I continue writing then ;)

Today Ive been dealing with my horse again. She isnt really pleased to becoming a grown up working horse.
So she obvioulsy has to try me. But she didint get me off, and when we rode late this night she was behaving so well!
And my back is fit for fight again! So now I feel a lot more comfortable when she do her jumps, bucking, rearing what ever.
The vet wrote a paper for me today about her teethproblems, see what the judges says, if they give us special treatment ;)
So hopefully operation next week maybe? As soon as possible anyway =)
*see money flying away*

As ending the day a got stepped on my big toe... haha, might be limping when showing horsie by hand on sunday.
And My arms are brused from ving tcun kung fu training today. Me, warrior-look :P

My home is messier than ever, cause Im going trough everything in every closet, Trowing, giving away, making my life less full of crap.

It feels like right decision to move from here, when I finally got to the point doing it. Never really felt like home here (do I anywhere??)

Bedtime! Night all!
(Oh! the car didnt go trough that check-thing. Handbreak bad and a couple of silly things. Grumpy old man!!)

abaout comments =)

2009-05-21 | 23:06:27

Someone anonymous wrote something? Happy u did, very! But who? =)
U make me curious doin that! ;P

my very good horse!

2009-05-21 | 23:04:00

After a night of work I got to bed 02.45.... and up 05.20.... just to ride before work.
And it did go so well! :D
First I lunged for a few minutes, then rode indoor, then got outside and rode at the field.
She didnt like to be alone, with the other horses left in the stable.... whinning and stressing around.
But after a while she started to relax and I could go up on her back again. Just that felt like a victory ;)
Then we went around the field, in walk, trott and canter! So happy about that!! Without the bit she´s like a new horse!
A few times she tried to decide herself to try to stop, once she reared but not as close as high as she did before...

A quick shower later I went to work at Gryttjom, a very quite and nice day. Had a meeting after, felt god. Think summer will be nice, with quite much skydiving!! =) And I like my two boss'es, they are cool guys.

Back home and tired its bedtime soon. Just gonna send a copy of the vet's notes about Kakao and her teeth, se if we might get some excetption for the bit at her test on sunday.... plz plz. But I doubt....

Tomorrow morning, carcheck...... :/

swimming mobilephone...

2009-05-20 | 20:55:23

Aren't mobilephones  supposed to get a swim now and then?
They gotta be soooo dirty after all talking and living in pockets and handbags.
Do think so.
So I washed mine. Well, it wasn´t planned but it jump down my bucket of water while I washed my car.
It sounds a bit funny now.

Right now Im doing some work. Might go to Gryttjom tonight, working there all day tomorrow.... but would have been good if I could get some company riding tomorrow. Early. Sceptic.

And my lessons today went so well! Im so proud over my kids! And they´re tooo cute! They brought some boys with them to have them try riding. They were sitting and giving applause to the girls while riding,  Bless!

now what?

2009-05-20 | 10:12:13

I woke up this morning, of course a little bit late, but in an awkward mood.
U know, sometime u just got a bad feeling about yourself.
I dont like it, and I hate to admit it.
I feel fat, ugly, aweful, stupid, cowy, creepy..... hahaha! Okay this sounds nuts!
Maybe it is. Anyhow, who's percfect? Im certainly not. 
And I beleive Im not the only one feeling bad now and then. But to admit it. Damn.

Gotta start work, horses are allready excercised.
Now double phones on, hundreds of people to call.
Loads of things to solve. Tonight lessons.

 Better get going!


2009-05-19 | 23:18:27

now I told the couple Im renting house n stables from Im gonna move out...
They didnt seem too happy about it.
Think they think Im struggling enough by travelling alot and got horses coming and going.
So this month Im planning to move outta here.

Im hanging pretty loose now. Weird, cause I kinda like it. I do think a lot what will happen, but Im not affraid of problems, even if Im tired off them ;) World is open.

Just gimme some money it will be okay! Stupid everything is so relying on money. Money money money.

Anyhow, a good day, Horsie did go well on the hackamoore, I had a great lunch with old clients/friends, a work meeting went very well and I finally got to train ving tchun tonight! FUN! And I got more job with drawings and training of a horse Ive trained a year ago! =)

And I had one comment! ;) Thnx Mattias! 

Im just gonna read my 34 emails I got today before dropping off to bed. And plz let me fall a sleep, cause tomorrow is an early morning. See u Maroullamou at 7! We're gonna loosjump our stars (horses, and yes that was a big joke, noone jumps that amazing)... ;)

Im up!

2009-05-19 | 08:36:12

I got up time, finally! Cant understand why its so hard to get up from bed...
Its easier to go up really early lika 4-6 am, but after that until 8.30ish Im sleeping my very best hours ;)
And I guess Ive been moving my sleeping routines also when working a bit different. Or sleeping routines, now I dont sleep at all.
Off to the stable and try to ride with that new hackarmoore....
Plz work.

New job, new life

2009-05-19 | 01:08:50

As a respond to my friend Matthias and my UK-wifey Im finally writing again ;)
It been so much changing I totally forgot about it, and as u all know, Im not a wellbehaving blogger... erhm.

I saw it was 1 week and 6 days ago I wrote last time! Thats pretty long!

A short one then to catch u up!
I quit my job at school, feels so nice. Im gonna miss all students and the horses and some friends, but it was the right decision. Nothing more to try to do there, no more arguing.
My new job is skydivingrelated! Im doing all bookings and loads of organizing. Like it! And also I can stay there this summer, where I like to be most  of my time.
Probably I go for a new horsejob after summer, in sweden or somewhere else in europe. We´ll see!

This sunday my 3yrs will be showed at her 3yrs test. VERY exciting! Mostly cause she isnt really rideable yet....
Shes ok with me on her back now, but now her teeth are growing so she cant stand the bit in her mouth. She will need an operation for that... aw. Expensive.... Gonna try to ride her now with a hackamoore, no bit in her mouth  for u who doesnt know..... ;)

Keep your fingers crossed! And also for my car who will be tested this friday. It broke down on my way to gryttjom a week ago. My friend fixed it, THANK YOU MICKE!!

Tomorrow will be a full day, to full. Meetings and then ving tchun at night.
Tried to go to bed early cause I got problems getting up in time.... but CANT sleep. So annoying!

Gonna try again now... speak soon!
(yes, I´ll try to write often now!)

good weekend at the skydiveclub!

2009-05-05 | 19:44:06

Valborg was a great day! So much fun.
Weekend was very good as well, went to the club to discuss about work, positive chat! Very positive.
I do beleive this summer will be great!
Sadly I couldnt jump, no money and a very bad back. Soooo saaaad. Cause there was a helicopter instead of airplane, and to miss that. And just watch the other jump... terrible.

This morning I woke up sick. No fun at all. So tonight Im miss my Ving Tchun training Ive been looking forward to.
Well, nothing more for now, Tired.

early betime for once

2009-04-29 | 22:19:53

I had baaad sleep this night. I was so stiff it was a release to get up from bed.
My lack of sleep put me in bad mood all day.
I longreined my colt, she needed a lot of time and patcience today... didnt ride after as planned, cause I felt slow in head and sore all over, and moody like a cow.

I did change winter wheels for summer wheels on my car, and that was so boring to.
And I did clean my house. Boring to. Can you hear Im moody??  ;)
But now it feels good.

My brother with family visited for dinner, that was really nice so now I can go to bed with a good feeling =)

Tomorrow is Valborg, last april, and big celebration for spring in town! Looking forward to meet loads of friends and party from morning til night! ;) After a day in town me and my cousin will go to the skydive club, thats where he really good party is!! :D And Im sooo looking forward to meet all nice peolpe Ive missed so much! Finally season starts!!!

Im gonna sleep SO well now.
And wake up tomorrow in  good mood!!

so sore...

2009-04-29 | 09:51:05

She trew me of again, my sweeeet little horsie. Or I kind o jumped off when my friend shouted to me.
I barely got up when she tensed and started to rear and buck, I stayed on for a while but she reared that high I thought we where gonna fall over backwards, and I started to slide on the back of the saddle, there was like no saddle under me any more, and to be behind the saddle would never be a good ending... so I let go.
I fell quite hard, and just tried to protect myself in case she would kick. She ran away, and I layed there trying to breath and make sure nothing seemed to be broken.

I went for my Ving Tchun training at night and that loosened up my stiff body for a bit, even if it was quite painful.
Today everything is quite ok, except my neck. Can barely move.

Now Im gonna go longrein her, then ride. Fingers crossed!

And Elsie! Bout Biltema, Im gonna talk to you first next time! hahahahaha! Love ya!

The car is nearly...

2009-04-26 | 22:40:40

... ... okay now. I friend helped me until night time now to get it working, of course this headlight didnt fit properly either, damn BILTEMA, but he somhow fixed, mixing the old an new one. Managed to remove the battery! Victory! ;)
It was so close starting. Its no good leving cars standings still =(

We did paint like half of the raft, continue tomorrow night.

Soon soon (THIS WEEKEND!) jumpseason starts at Stockholms Fallskärmsklubb (Skydive Stockholm), check the best dz in sweden:

Good student! ...and bucking colt.

2009-04-26 | 16:43:28

She did so well, my kid student! A clear round (jumping)! She and he pony got prizes, so the hole family was happy and I was a proud trainer! ;)

Got back to ride my one for the first time in 2 month. Lunged her, got up, walk for a bit, then she suddenly tensed and bucked away! I tried to pull her head back up and stay on for all I got, but NO. I had to eat sand.
Got up again, walk around.... and she tried it again! She bucked away and my tought now was if she wanna get me of this time, we where both gona fall (can u see my evil horns growing??) Pulling one rein  more than the other one to disturb her balance, she actually stopped, phjjjuuuu. I thought she would become ever more pissed and try harder, or fall. Or both. Then she is not too stupid ;) hihi.

Now Im of to paint  a raft for the "Forsränning" (a funny dressed up rafting in the river of Uppsala, a yearly event organized by students) . We´re not going (the same team s previous years), but some guys are borrowing our raft. and we promised to help them paint.... =)

Im off! (Picked up of course, no time to fix either car or bike today).


Troubles immediatly...

2009-04-26 | 00:06:59

Of course!

Lissen to this!
(Yes yes I AM enjoying also to be home... but this is quite fun)

I knew my car had to get a new headlight, but as soon as I tried to start it, and then even to jump start it, I also needed to buy a ew battery.... So I did. Even 2 new tires (?) for my bicycle, or whats its called on a bike?? Anyone knows?

I tried to fix all this, but the battery was impossible to remove with my crappy tools. The headlight was wrong size. The tubes of the bike had even more holes after my hard work to change fix previous holes and change tires....
But there was no more time that day, hundred more things to do, and a friend visiting so I thought I continue another day. And I did. Lovely friends drove me so I could change that headlight. I found a new tube instead for the one that still wasnt ok, but of course the ventilator was the wrong size..... Another friend had tried to pass by to help me remove the car battery but didnt make it.
So here I am. Countryside and stuck. Okay there is buses, but at this moment I was in a hurry, and it takes crazy time o go anywhere with a bus. U have to change here and there and bla bla. And when realizing I couldnt even use my car or bike, (imagine my frontyard, car and bike in pieces, tools everywhere, me swetting and high red face) after all fighting, yes there is a war going on! ...and in a hurry for a ridinglesson..... I called and explained my situation, and these sweet ones comes and pick me up! I did my lessons, then they even invited me for dinner and they borrowed me a car to get home!
Wasnt that nice?

Otherwise, Ive been riding some! FUN! Kakao (my 3yrs horse) is back in my stable, FUN FUN FUN!
Ive followed Maroullamou to her first jumpingshow with her borrowed horse Maker. They did welll! The show was a the school I work at normaly (Im free may also!! Yay!) felt weird to be there...
Tomorrow Im going to help and see one of my kids student at a jumping show. Looking forward to!

Now my head is all empty, Ive never been this jetlagged ever. I wake up 5 am....when will it change?

The war will continue tomorrow!
Exciting huh? ;)

Home in sweden

2009-04-21 | 21:07:58

It was sad to leave, as it always is... get to attached to places and peolple....
The trip was nice, Andreas flew us to Million Air mext to LAX.
I was alone on my flight... about 10  + 2 hours, a bit more. I really dont mind it.
It gives me time for my self to think.
The man I sat nxt to was realy nice, he showed up to be a famous pianoartist, coool. He played all over the world.
Watch 2 movies, Slumdog Millionaire and Australia, both good. Then I read my book, Shantaram -rekommended!

Next flight I read andjust fell asleep when we where about to land so the... was the name? Lost it. Flygvärdinna in swedish, flihgt hostess, haha ;) woke me up.
So now I guess Ive been awake 36 hours somthn? Still really fresh.. but gotta go and feed the horses and go to bed.
I rode Maroullas horse btw, nice to ride again!!! :D

Nighty everybody!


2009-04-19 | 06:25:15

aoooww, so full after a great dinner at Sizzlers. Greatest sallad buffé u can find, and dessert buffé.... dangerous.
Can barely stand up, haha!

Ive started to pack for leaving. Have to make sure everything fits in my suitcases. Otherwise I have to buy one more.. Bought to much.... eh oh. Gonna leave some stuff like sleepingbag and towel... The rig is taking most of the space... and weight.

Im a bit sad to leave, I learned to know some many nice people, and had such a great time!!
At the same time Im looking forward to go back home, meet my friends, get my horsie *wooohooooo* and Robbiedoggielove! =) Mixed feeling about it all.
Yesterday night I took a walk all alone and just sat down near te landing area, just to think trough everything Ive been trough here. Its a lot. And Ive had so many great moments, I can barely remember them all.

Back home there is loads to do. Good in one way Im not back for work at school until june, but it wil be a hard time with few money coming in..... But its worth it. But Im really really broke..... But... but... ah, well.
Gonna enoy life to its fullest, I needed this trip so much.To get away.

Gonna walk down to the bonfire now, see if there´s any fun people out there.
Tomorrow last day... =`(

Crazy life!

2009-04-18 | 19:38:26

Ohhhh, the bad blogger is back!

Loads happent again since last time I wrote!
Me and my to pilots picked up Maggiemou at Million Air Airport last week, monday. Thats the airport next to LAX if u wonder ;) We flew over LA back to San Diego, took some photos of the town, the hollywood sign, the coast, the sunset and Sand Diego by night.

After one day on the beach in SD, we and the pilot guys flew in a cessna 172 to Vegas, spent a night there. Me and Maggie dressed up with high heels and dresses, sooo beautiful! And finaly a reson to dress up haha!
Nex day we flew over Hooverdam and Grand Canon, that was so amazing, best of the trip!

Back home, we stay at the dz (dropzone) for a few days, hanging around with all nice peolpe.

At sunday Andreas flew us along the coast/highway 1 to San Fransisco. Me and Marie/Maggan/Maggie (same person) stayed there 2 nights at  hostel Adelaide. Small but nice. We walked all monday, to Golden Gate and nearly the hole city. sore feet but smiling faces! We took soooo many photos!

Wednesday we drove a rental car back to Los Angeles, of course along famous highway 1! We found this hostel in west hollywood, named Orbit, but we didnt like it..... no nice people and no nice rooms. But the street we was AWESOME! Melrose. Its such a hipp shopping street, so cool shops, very special all of them! Cool just to hang around watching. We did our best to NOT waste money....
We went downdown one day, at the night we walked from Melrose to Sunset blvd where all the clubs are. We mostly walked around, sat down for a while a The Skybar, beautiful view over LA by night.
Next day we met up with stundwoman Sandy, we had lunch at the grove (biiiiiig shopping mall) then she drove us around in Hollywood and then dropped us of there. We spent the rest of the day there, watcjing people and also a premier for a new whats the name..  eh, tell u later. But there was so much security around it and limos just started to arrive when we had to go... Jenny picked us up and drove us back "home" to the dz.

When we got back there was a bunch of new guys here, they were really fnny so I whent straight on party with them! hihi.
Next day we judt spent in the sunshine... and also washed the campcar! ood girls ;)

Right now I just woke up..... still drunk... CRAZY. hihi. I was just supposed to drop by a friend for a glas of wine and talk about life and importent stuff. But we and another guy just had a great night with wine and wiskey, playing music until laaaate. So now Im just gonna take a blanket and lay down in the sunshine with a glass of water, watch landings and parachutes in the sky.... =)

San Diego and Maggan!

2009-04-08 | 07:25:55

Whar did I do since last time??
iiiih, so much I cant remember...
well, eh, let me think.  Maggan is here now, WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Me, Andreas and Umberto went to a nearby airport to LAX to pick her up with 2 airplanes.
We flew back over LA after a lunch at santa monica, then along the beach back towards san diego.
In some how we struggled our way bak to the hotel, tram and bus and some questions....

Today we enjoyed the beach and starbucks most of the day!
Tomorrow same flying team is going in a 4seated Cessna to Las Vegas for a night there, then we will over Hoooverdam and Grand Canyon on our way back day after. Im so crazy looking forward this!!!

Tell u later about it!!

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