so sore...

She trew me of again, my sweeeet little horsie. Or I kind o jumped off when my friend shouted to me.
I barely got up when she tensed and started to rear and buck, I stayed on for a while but she reared that high I thought we where gonna fall over backwards, and I started to slide on the back of the saddle, there was like no saddle under me any more, and to be behind the saddle would never be a good ending... so I let go.
I fell quite hard, and just tried to protect myself in case she would kick. She ran away, and I layed there trying to breath and make sure nothing seemed to be broken.

I went for my Ving Tchun training at night and that loosened up my stiff body for a bit, even if it was quite painful.
Today everything is quite ok, except my neck. Can barely move.

Now Im gonna go longrein her, then ride. Fingers crossed!

And Elsie! Bout Biltema, Im gonna talk to you first next time! hahahahaha! Love ya!

Postat av: Elise

Bäst det! ;)

Usch, verkar vara ett riktigt krutpaket till häst du har fått tag i! :D Hoppas hon snart inser att det inte leder någonstans att bete sig som en galning. Var försiktig, vi vill inte ha en trasig Hella!

2009-04-29 @ 12:02:56

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