
aoooww, so full after a great dinner at Sizzlers. Greatest sallad buffé u can find, and dessert buffé.... dangerous.
Can barely stand up, haha!

Ive started to pack for leaving. Have to make sure everything fits in my suitcases. Otherwise I have to buy one more.. Bought to much.... eh oh. Gonna leave some stuff like sleepingbag and towel... The rig is taking most of the space... and weight.

Im a bit sad to leave, I learned to know some many nice people, and had such a great time!!
At the same time Im looking forward to go back home, meet my friends, get my horsie *wooohooooo* and Robbiedoggielove! =) Mixed feeling about it all.
Yesterday night I took a walk all alone and just sat down near te landing area, just to think trough everything Ive been trough here. Its a lot. And Ive had so many great moments, I can barely remember them all.

Back home there is loads to do. Good in one way Im not back for work at school until june, but it wil be a hard time with few money coming in..... But its worth it. But Im really really broke..... But... but... ah, well.
Gonna enoy life to its fullest, I needed this trip so much.To get away.

Gonna walk down to the bonfire now, see if there´s any fun people out there.
Tomorrow last day... =`(

Postat av: Elise

Ni verkar ha haft det hur bra som helst, förstår att det är blandade känslor inför hemresan...

2009-04-20 @ 09:44:27
Postat av: Marie & Robbie

MEN VI ÄR JÄTTE GLADA ATT DU KOMMER HEM!! tro inte att du kommer vara syslolös nu när du kommer hem =) hehe.. ses imorgon kl 15,00 prick! å jävlar om planet e försenat ;)

2009-04-20 @ 19:33:09
URL: http://psycosia.blogg.se/

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