Crazy life!

Ohhhh, the bad blogger is back!

Loads happent again since last time I wrote!
Me and my to pilots picked up Maggiemou at Million Air Airport last week, monday. Thats the airport next to LAX if u wonder ;) We flew over LA back to San Diego, took some photos of the town, the hollywood sign, the coast, the sunset and Sand Diego by night.

After one day on the beach in SD, we and the pilot guys flew in a cessna 172 to Vegas, spent a night there. Me and Maggie dressed up with high heels and dresses, sooo beautiful! And finaly a reson to dress up haha!
Nex day we flew over Hooverdam and Grand Canon, that was so amazing, best of the trip!

Back home, we stay at the dz (dropzone) for a few days, hanging around with all nice peolpe.

At sunday Andreas flew us along the coast/highway 1 to San Fransisco. Me and Marie/Maggan/Maggie (same person) stayed there 2 nights at  hostel Adelaide. Small but nice. We walked all monday, to Golden Gate and nearly the hole city. sore feet but smiling faces! We took soooo many photos!

Wednesday we drove a rental car back to Los Angeles, of course along famous highway 1! We found this hostel in west hollywood, named Orbit, but we didnt like it..... no nice people and no nice rooms. But the street we was AWESOME! Melrose. Its such a hipp shopping street, so cool shops, very special all of them! Cool just to hang around watching. We did our best to NOT waste money....
We went downdown one day, at the night we walked from Melrose to Sunset blvd where all the clubs are. We mostly walked around, sat down for a while a The Skybar, beautiful view over LA by night.
Next day we met up with stundwoman Sandy, we had lunch at the grove (biiiiiig shopping mall) then she drove us around in Hollywood and then dropped us of there. We spent the rest of the day there, watcjing people and also a premier for a new whats the name..  eh, tell u later. But there was so much security around it and limos just started to arrive when we had to go... Jenny picked us up and drove us back "home" to the dz.

When we got back there was a bunch of new guys here, they were really fnny so I whent straight on party with them! hihi.
Next day we judt spent in the sunshine... and also washed the campcar! ood girls ;)

Right now I just woke up..... still drunk... CRAZY. hihi. I was just supposed to drop by a friend for a glas of wine and talk about life and importent stuff. But we and another guy just had a great night with wine and wiskey, playing music until laaaate. So now Im just gonna take a blanket and lay down in the sunshine with a glass of water, watch landings and parachutes in the sky.... =)


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