
now I told the couple Im renting house n stables from Im gonna move out...
They didnt seem too happy about it.
Think they think Im struggling enough by travelling alot and got horses coming and going.
So this month Im planning to move outta here.

Im hanging pretty loose now. Weird, cause I kinda like it. I do think a lot what will happen, but Im not affraid of problems, even if Im tired off them ;) World is open.

Just gimme some money it will be okay! Stupid everything is so relying on money. Money money money.

Anyhow, a good day, Horsie did go well on the hackamoore, I had a great lunch with old clients/friends, a work meeting went very well and I finally got to train ving tchun tonight! FUN! And I got more job with drawings and training of a horse Ive trained a year ago! =)

And I had one comment! ;) Thnx Mattias! 

Im just gonna read my 34 emails I got today before dropping off to bed. And plz let me fall a sleep, cause tomorrow is an early morning. See u Maroullamou at 7! We're gonna loosjump our stars (horses, and yes that was a big joke, noone jumps that amazing)... ;)

Postat av: Elise

Nämen här händer det grejer. Varför flytta? :o

2009-05-22 @ 14:06:03

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