Good student! ...and bucking colt.

She did so well, my kid student! A clear round (jumping)! She and he pony got prizes, so the hole family was happy and I was a proud trainer! ;)

Got back to ride my one for the first time in 2 month. Lunged her, got up, walk for a bit, then she suddenly tensed and bucked away! I tried to pull her head back up and stay on for all I got, but NO. I had to eat sand.
Got up again, walk around.... and she tried it again! She bucked away and my tought now was if she wanna get me of this time, we where both gona fall (can u see my evil horns growing??) Pulling one rein  more than the other one to disturb her balance, she actually stopped, phjjjuuuu. I thought she would become ever more pissed and try harder, or fall. Or both. Then she is not too stupid ;) hihi.

Now Im of to paint  a raft for the "Forsränning" (a funny dressed up rafting in the river of Uppsala, a yearly event organized by students) . We´re not going (the same team s previous years), but some guys are borrowing our raft. and we promised to help them paint.... =)

Im off! (Picked up of course, no time to fix either car or bike today).



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