Home in sweden

It was sad to leave, as it always is... get to attached to places and peolple....
The trip was nice, Andreas flew us to Million Air mext to LAX.
I was alone on my flight... about 10  + 2 hours, a bit more. I really dont mind it.
It gives me time for my self to think.
The man I sat nxt to was realy nice, he showed up to be a famous pianoartist, coool. He played all over the world.
Watch 2 movies, Slumdog Millionaire and Australia, both good. Then I read my book, Shantaram -rekommended!

Next flight I read andjust fell asleep when we where about to land so the... was the name? Lost it. Flygvärdinna in swedish, flihgt hostess, haha ;) woke me up.
So now I guess Ive been awake 36 hours somthn? Still really fresh.. but gotta go and feed the horses and go to bed.
I rode Maroullas horse btw, nice to ride again!!! :D

Nighty everybody!


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