my very good horse!

After a night of work I got to bed 02.45.... and up 05.20.... just to ride before work.
And it did go so well! :D
First I lunged for a few minutes, then rode indoor, then got outside and rode at the field.
She didnt like to be alone, with the other horses left in the stable.... whinning and stressing around.
But after a while she started to relax and I could go up on her back again. Just that felt like a victory ;)
Then we went around the field, in walk, trott and canter! So happy about that!! Without the bit she´s like a new horse!
A few times she tried to decide herself to try to stop, once she reared but not as close as high as she did before...

A quick shower later I went to work at Gryttjom, a very quite and nice day. Had a meeting after, felt god. Think summer will be nice, with quite much skydiving!! =) And I like my two boss'es, they are cool guys.

Back home and tired its bedtime soon. Just gonna send a copy of the vet's notes about Kakao and her teeth, se if we might get some excetption for the bit at her test on sunday.... plz plz. But I doubt....

Tomorrow morning, carcheck...... :/


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