early betime for once

I had baaad sleep this night. I was so stiff it was a release to get up from bed.
My lack of sleep put me in bad mood all day.
I longreined my colt, she needed a lot of time and patcience today... didnt ride after as planned, cause I felt slow in head and sore all over, and moody like a cow.

I did change winter wheels for summer wheels on my car, and that was so boring to.
And I did clean my house. Boring to. Can you hear Im moody??  ;)
But now it feels good.

My brother with family visited for dinner, that was really nice so now I can go to bed with a good feeling =)

Tomorrow is Valborg, last april, and big celebration for spring in town! Looking forward to meet loads of friends and party from morning til night! ;) After a day in town me and my cousin will go to the skydive club, thats where he really good party is!! :D And Im sooo looking forward to meet all nice peolpe Ive missed so much! Finally season starts!!!

Im gonna sleep SO well now.
And wake up tomorrow in  good mood!!


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