Troubles immediatly...

Of course!

Lissen to this!
(Yes yes I AM enjoying also to be home... but this is quite fun)

I knew my car had to get a new headlight, but as soon as I tried to start it, and then even to jump start it, I also needed to buy a ew battery.... So I did. Even 2 new tires (?) for my bicycle, or whats its called on a bike?? Anyone knows?

I tried to fix all this, but the battery was impossible to remove with my crappy tools. The headlight was wrong size. The tubes of the bike had even more holes after my hard work to change fix previous holes and change tires....
But there was no more time that day, hundred more things to do, and a friend visiting so I thought I continue another day. And I did. Lovely friends drove me so I could change that headlight. I found a new tube instead for the one that still wasnt ok, but of course the ventilator was the wrong size..... Another friend had tried to pass by to help me remove the car battery but didnt make it.
So here I am. Countryside and stuck. Okay there is buses, but at this moment I was in a hurry, and it takes crazy time o go anywhere with a bus. U have to change here and there and bla bla. And when realizing I couldnt even use my car or bike, (imagine my frontyard, car and bike in pieces, tools everywhere, me swetting and high red face) after all fighting, yes there is a war going on! ...and in a hurry for a ridinglesson..... I called and explained my situation, and these sweet ones comes and pick me up! I did my lessons, then they even invited me for dinner and they borrowed me a car to get home!
Wasnt that nice?

Otherwise, Ive been riding some! FUN! Kakao (my 3yrs horse) is back in my stable, FUN FUN FUN!
Ive followed Maroullamou to her first jumpingshow with her borrowed horse Maker. They did welll! The show was a the school I work at normaly (Im free may also!! Yay!) felt weird to be there...
Tomorrow Im going to help and see one of my kids student at a jumping show. Looking forward to!

Now my head is all empty, Ive never been this jetlagged ever. I wake up 5 am....when will it change?

The war will continue tomorrow!
Exciting huh? ;)


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