Go Elise!

Elise your the leader in comments! hihi!
Mattias, second, happy for that guys ;) So I continue writing then ;)

Today Ive been dealing with my horse again. She isnt really pleased to becoming a grown up working horse.
So she obvioulsy has to try me. But she didint get me off, and when we rode late this night she was behaving so well!
And my back is fit for fight again! So now I feel a lot more comfortable when she do her jumps, bucking, rearing what ever.
The vet wrote a paper for me today about her teethproblems, see what the judges says, if they give us special treatment ;)
So hopefully operation next week maybe? As soon as possible anyway =)
*see money flying away*

As ending the day a got stepped on my big toe... haha, might be limping when showing horsie by hand on sunday.
And My arms are brused from ving tcun kung fu training today. Me, warrior-look :P

My home is messier than ever, cause Im going trough everything in every closet, Trowing, giving away, making my life less full of crap.

It feels like right decision to move from here, when I finally got to the point doing it. Never really felt like home here (do I anywhere??)

Bedtime! Night all!
(Oh! the car didnt go trough that check-thing. Handbreak bad and a couple of silly things. Grumpy old man!!)

Postat av: Elise

Ohh, I like!

Om du hittar några gamla transportskydd som du inte vill ha längre så är det bara att hojta till! ;) (stor chans liksom...)

2009-05-23 @ 22:27:16

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