New job, new life

As a respond to my friend Matthias and my UK-wifey Im finally writing again ;)
It been so much changing I totally forgot about it, and as u all know, Im not a wellbehaving blogger... erhm.

I saw it was 1 week and 6 days ago I wrote last time! Thats pretty long!

A short one then to catch u up!
I quit my job at school, feels so nice. Im gonna miss all students and the horses and some friends, but it was the right decision. Nothing more to try to do there, no more arguing.
My new job is skydivingrelated! Im doing all bookings and loads of organizing. Like it! And also I can stay there this summer, where I like to be most  of my time.
Probably I go for a new horsejob after summer, in sweden or somewhere else in europe. We´ll see!

This sunday my 3yrs will be showed at her 3yrs test. VERY exciting! Mostly cause she isnt really rideable yet....
Shes ok with me on her back now, but now her teeth are growing so she cant stand the bit in her mouth. She will need an operation for that... aw. Expensive.... Gonna try to ride her now with a hackamoore, no bit in her mouth  for u who doesnt know..... ;)

Keep your fingers crossed! And also for my car who will be tested this friday. It broke down on my way to gryttjom a week ago. My friend fixed it, THANK YOU MICKE!!

Tomorrow will be a full day, to full. Meetings and then ving tchun at night.
Tried to go to bed early cause I got problems getting up in time.... but CANT sleep. So annoying!

Gonna try again now... speak soon!
(yes, I´ll try to write often now!)


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