Ving Tchun training today!

Feeling better than ever today I decided to go training today.
My plan was to just hang around and do some easy practising on my own. But... I couldnt resist to try a little bit more... and a little more again.... It ended up beeing the hardest trainging Ive ever done there!
We where fighting, kicking, hitting, grabling around on the floor like nuts! So great to finally get really tired and use those muscles again! They where like.... getting flobby by all this forced resting! ;) hahaha!
Hope Ill feel good tomorrow also.... Maybe was stupid of me. But damn it was fun!!

And Ive been playing with my new camera of course! Just love it!
I spent some nice time with mummy today, she showed me her new summertime cabin. It was so sweet! Then we enjoyed a luxuary lunch at a small restaurant/bakery.

Now Im gonna colourize an illustration I did today, and actually Im satisfied whit it!
Never are normaly.... And really good paid! Thats nice! =D


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