day before... something good or bad?

Tomorrow is time... judgement time!
Gaaaah! Im nerveous!
Plz at least go well, plz horsie behave! ;) Hella behave!

Go Elise!

Elise your the leader in comments! hihi!
Mattias, second, happy for that guys ;) So I continue writing then ;)

Today Ive been dealing with my horse again. She isnt really pleased to becoming a grown up working horse.
So she obvioulsy has to try me. But she didint get me off, and when we rode late this night she was behaving so well!
And my back is fit for fight again! So now I feel a lot more comfortable when she do her jumps, bucking, rearing what ever.
The vet wrote a paper for me today about her teethproblems, see what the judges says, if they give us special treatment ;)
So hopefully operation next week maybe? As soon as possible anyway =)
*see money flying away*

As ending the day a got stepped on my big toe... haha, might be limping when showing horsie by hand on sunday.
And My arms are brused from ving tcun kung fu training today. Me, warrior-look :P

My home is messier than ever, cause Im going trough everything in every closet, Trowing, giving away, making my life less full of crap.

It feels like right decision to move from here, when I finally got to the point doing it. Never really felt like home here (do I anywhere??)

Bedtime! Night all!
(Oh! the car didnt go trough that check-thing. Handbreak bad and a couple of silly things. Grumpy old man!!)

abaout comments =)

Someone anonymous wrote something? Happy u did, very! But who? =)
U make me curious doin that! ;P

my very good horse!

After a night of work I got to bed 02.45.... and up 05.20.... just to ride before work.
And it did go so well! :D
First I lunged for a few minutes, then rode indoor, then got outside and rode at the field.
She didnt like to be alone, with the other horses left in the stable.... whinning and stressing around.
But after a while she started to relax and I could go up on her back again. Just that felt like a victory ;)
Then we went around the field, in walk, trott and canter! So happy about that!! Without the bit she´s like a new horse!
A few times she tried to decide herself to try to stop, once she reared but not as close as high as she did before...

A quick shower later I went to work at Gryttjom, a very quite and nice day. Had a meeting after, felt god. Think summer will be nice, with quite much skydiving!! =) And I like my two boss'es, they are cool guys.

Back home and tired its bedtime soon. Just gonna send a copy of the vet's notes about Kakao and her teeth, se if we might get some excetption for the bit at her test on sunday.... plz plz. But I doubt....

Tomorrow morning, carcheck...... :/

swimming mobilephone...

Aren't mobilephones  supposed to get a swim now and then?
They gotta be soooo dirty after all talking and living in pockets and handbags.
Do think so.
So I washed mine. Well, it wasn´t planned but it jump down my bucket of water while I washed my car.
It sounds a bit funny now.

Right now Im doing some work. Might go to Gryttjom tonight, working there all day tomorrow.... but would have been good if I could get some company riding tomorrow. Early. Sceptic.

And my lessons today went so well! Im so proud over my kids! And they´re tooo cute! They brought some boys with them to have them try riding. They were sitting and giving applause to the girls while riding,  Bless!

now what?

I woke up this morning, of course a little bit late, but in an awkward mood.
U know, sometime u just got a bad feeling about yourself.
I dont like it, and I hate to admit it.
I feel fat, ugly, aweful, stupid, cowy, creepy..... hahaha! Okay this sounds nuts!
Maybe it is. Anyhow, who's percfect? Im certainly not. 
And I beleive Im not the only one feeling bad now and then. But to admit it. Damn.

Gotta start work, horses are allready excercised.
Now double phones on, hundreds of people to call.
Loads of things to solve. Tonight lessons.

 Better get going!


now I told the couple Im renting house n stables from Im gonna move out...
They didnt seem too happy about it.
Think they think Im struggling enough by travelling alot and got horses coming and going.
So this month Im planning to move outta here.

Im hanging pretty loose now. Weird, cause I kinda like it. I do think a lot what will happen, but Im not affraid of problems, even if Im tired off them ;) World is open.

Just gimme some money it will be okay! Stupid everything is so relying on money. Money money money.

Anyhow, a good day, Horsie did go well on the hackamoore, I had a great lunch with old clients/friends, a work meeting went very well and I finally got to train ving tchun tonight! FUN! And I got more job with drawings and training of a horse Ive trained a year ago! =)

And I had one comment! ;) Thnx Mattias! 

Im just gonna read my 34 emails I got today before dropping off to bed. And plz let me fall a sleep, cause tomorrow is an early morning. See u Maroullamou at 7! We're gonna loosjump our stars (horses, and yes that was a big joke, noone jumps that amazing)... ;)

Im up!

I got up time, finally! Cant understand why its so hard to get up from bed...
Its easier to go up really early lika 4-6 am, but after that until 8.30ish Im sleeping my very best hours ;)
And I guess Ive been moving my sleeping routines also when working a bit different. Or sleeping routines, now I dont sleep at all.
Off to the stable and try to ride with that new hackarmoore....
Plz work.

New job, new life

As a respond to my friend Matthias and my UK-wifey Im finally writing again ;)
It been so much changing I totally forgot about it, and as u all know, Im not a wellbehaving blogger... erhm.

I saw it was 1 week and 6 days ago I wrote last time! Thats pretty long!

A short one then to catch u up!
I quit my job at school, feels so nice. Im gonna miss all students and the horses and some friends, but it was the right decision. Nothing more to try to do there, no more arguing.
My new job is skydivingrelated! Im doing all bookings and loads of organizing. Like it! And also I can stay there this summer, where I like to be most  of my time.
Probably I go for a new horsejob after summer, in sweden or somewhere else in europe. We´ll see!

This sunday my 3yrs will be showed at her 3yrs test. VERY exciting! Mostly cause she isnt really rideable yet....
Shes ok with me on her back now, but now her teeth are growing so she cant stand the bit in her mouth. She will need an operation for that... aw. Expensive.... Gonna try to ride her now with a hackamoore, no bit in her mouth  for u who doesnt know..... ;)

Keep your fingers crossed! And also for my car who will be tested this friday. It broke down on my way to gryttjom a week ago. My friend fixed it, THANK YOU MICKE!!

Tomorrow will be a full day, to full. Meetings and then ving tchun at night.
Tried to go to bed early cause I got problems getting up in time.... but CANT sleep. So annoying!

Gonna try again now... speak soon!
(yes, I´ll try to write often now!)

good weekend at the skydiveclub!

Valborg was a great day! So much fun.
Weekend was very good as well, went to the club to discuss about work, positive chat! Very positive.
I do beleive this summer will be great!
Sadly I couldnt jump, no money and a very bad back. Soooo saaaad. Cause there was a helicopter instead of airplane, and to miss that. And just watch the other jump... terrible.

This morning I woke up sick. No fun at all. So tonight Im miss my Ving Tchun training Ive been looking forward to.
Well, nothing more for now, Tired.

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