My best trip ever, now Sweden again

It was incredible last days in the middle east.
Show ended on saturday, wich is like their sunday. That was another great day!
We taxed in the 'Catwalk' after flight next to the crowd. More photographing, waving, poseing... weird ;)
I was intervjued twice during that day.



Saturday night there was a big dinner for all participartions at Hilton Hotel in the pool garden. Really nice!


Sunday we had a relaxed day at the hangar. It was so funny when Benny and Bosse was taken for a flight on the wings of catwalk! Both 60+  Well done isnt it?
Jacob flew them over the desert to show them the great surroundings, they finnished of with flying low over the hangar with thick smoke!! Cool guys!! =D

In the afternoon me and Jenny had an amazing experience flying with the greatest italian team!
So beauiful, so amazing, so great fun, so cool!
We did loops, barrel rolls and flew inverted (upsidedown), That was.... yeah... just breathtaking! Thank you so much!

At night we went uphill the mountains, fantasic view over Al Ain in sunset. We also made a stop a the spring, where we climbed up the rocks to enjoy the view over the spring, wich is an unusual green part for Abu Dhabi.

Monday morning we got up early to eat breakfast with the boys and to say goodbye. We spent som time in the sun and in the pool before lunch. Then we girls went to Dubai to meet Joe.
Joe was the speaker at the show, he showed us Dubai. He drove us around, paid for dinner and drinks... very sweet!
At the seven star hotel Burj Al Arab I had my most expensive drink ever, a Mojito for 90 dirhams, thats like 220 sek...
Do I have to say it was delicious? It was a crazy luxurios place... really crazy.


The flight was 1.40 am... slept trough the hole trip... arrived at Arlanda 5.30. My daily bad luck started immediatly, haha! Im not supposed to be here i guess ;)

Back in a swedish winterwonderland I took the train to Uppsala watching the sun rise.... Just a litlle snow makes it so beautiful. But damn it was cold!! Minus 11 'C...*brrrrrr*

Back to reallity, gotta solve my mobile problem (not working for last week), pay bills and go to work tomorrow.
But me and my sweetest doggie are together again! Missed him! :*

So to summary everything...  Aaaaww how I love to fly!! Im so happy for being a wingwalker for Scaninavian Airshow! (I love you all!) And is so exiting to travell and meet new people!
And yes, pilots are hot! haha! ;)


   A cold vinterday at my home Think he is happy to see me too! =)

Postat av: Anonym

snuffsisnuffs!!! =)

2009-02-03 @ 19:34:50
Postat av: Esile

Så jäkla häftigt! :D Vilket antiklimax att komma hem... :o

2009-02-03 @ 22:06:40

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