Skåne, Falsterbo, Castle living

I guess Im back ;)

I think I need to open my heart. Write, get it out. But I cant.
Keeping closed and quiet for now.

But whatta awesome days I just had. 2 days of Falsterbo Horse Show with my friend Sussi.
Then to beautiful Marsvinsholm for the Theater Party, goood party! Loads of great peolpe.
Been living like a princess here at the castle. Now´s my last night, going up in the morning to go back towards Uppsala and Gryttjom. My sister here (my extra sis) is leaving in a week to go back to California for new adventures in life. Good Luck Sis! Ill come visit ya...

Now Im gonna read my book, to get lost in another world. Forget thoughts about life for a while.
Why isnt it easier to understand peolpe sometimes...? And why do I care so much?

Look whatta paradise:

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